Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct, holistic discipline which artfully blends natural healing therapies with current medical advances. Because NDs are educated in the same basic sciences as MDs, they can easily communicate and integrate with their client's other healthcare providers. Please note that naturopathic doctors are not regulated or licensed in the state of Texas and therefore may not diagnose or treat disease; click here to read more about education and licensing of Naturopathic Doctors.
The following principles guide the practice of naturopathic medicine:
First, Do No Harm
Naturopathic medicine utilizes therapies and techniques (including herbal medicine, dietary supplements, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, and nutritional counseling) which have minimal risk of harmful side effects. In addition, naturopathic doctors are trained to protect their clients from harm by knowing when it is appropriate to refer to a specialist or another practitioner.
The Healing Power of Nature
This principle recognizes that we all have an inherent healing ability, which is ordered and intelligent. The role of the naturopathic doctor is to guide and foster this innate healing tendency by helping clients identify and remove obstacles to wellness, and establishing a health-promoting internal and external environment.
Find the Cause
Rather than focusing on suppressing symptoms, naturopathic doctors seek and address the underlying cause(s) of health imbalances. Symptoms are seen as the body's expression of an underlying imbalance; suppressing these symptoms without addressing the root cause will not facilitate healing and may drive the illness deeper.
Treat the Whole Person
Health is determined by complex interactions of one's physical, spiritual, emotional, and social health, as well as by the interconnectedness of different systems and organs of the body. As holistic practitioners, naturopathic doctors recognize and honor the importance of these connections, respecting each client as a unique individual.
As Benjamin Franklin brilliantly stated, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Prevention is a key component of naturopathic medicine, from identifying and addressing one's genetic and lifestyle risk factors, to educating about appropriate screening tests and health-promoting lifestyle behaviors.
Doctor as Teacher
The word 'doctor' originates from the latin 'docere', which means 'teacher'. Ultimately, the role of the doctor is to educate and serve as a learned guide on their client's healing journey. This approach emphasizes patient self-responsibility, and excellent communication between doctor and client.
* Because the state of Texas does not regulate or license the profession of naturopathic medicine, Amy Tyler, ND cannot diagnose or treat disease. For this reason it is recommended that you consult with your licensed medical doctor for any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The information provided on www.amytylernd.com is not intended as a substitute for medical advice; Amy Tyler, ND and www.amytylernd.com assume no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. All rights reserved.
Please click here if you would like to support licensure efforts for naturopathic medicine in Texas.